Get your faith restored. Ya'll viewing your version of [fashion]. -- Jay-z "Trouble"
Apparently, there's a cool trend of wearing rosaries as fashionable neck pieces. Granted, they look nice when complimenting the right outfit. My bet: Plain [your choice of color] V-Neck T-shirt paired with jeans or appropriate pants. A nice pair of kicks (yes, kicks) would complete the ensemble.
ALDO sells female versions of the rosary and, in my opinion, it's a bit much. Now, anything with bling tends to get a fashion pass but when you pick up the necklace, do you ever once think of God? Jesus? Mary? Mary Magdalena? The last one is a "maybe" right? I simply can't bring myself to buy a rosary for fashion purposes. I mean, I know how to say the rosary and feel like that is the purpose of this particular article. But to put on a rosary for a sinful night downtown?
Every time I'm out and see someone wearing a rosary, I'm tempted to count the beads to see if the order of it was actually maintained. I then wonder if that person ever said the rosary. Then, I wonder what their actual beliefs are, if any at all. With that cross placed right over their hearts did they even think about the man on that cross?
Fashion is all from point of view I suppose. You only see what you want. Like what you admire. Don't like what you wouldn't wear. Religion though is a touchy subject no matter which way you broach it.
Following the rosary trend (like following religion) = Depends on the person.
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